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Laurentian student association partners with Northern Lights Festival

Partnership agreement will see Laurentian University Graduate Student Association members volunteering at the popular July festival.

Laurentian University Graduate Student Association vice presidents (from left) Samanta Saif Kristy and Tareq Mahmud Khan with Michell Murray, executive director of Northern Lights Festival Boréal, and Meagan Brownrigg, community outreach co-ordinator with NLFB.

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) of Laurentian University has announced that it has entered into a new partnership agreement with Northern Lights Festival Boréal.

The year-long collaboration was signed this month by Tareq Mahmud Khan, vice president of administration of GSA Laurentian, and Meagan Brownrigg, community outreach co-ordinator with Northern Lights Festival Boréal, and witnessed by Michelle Murray, executive director of Northern Lights Festival Boréal, and Samanta Saif Kristy, VP of Events for GSA.

“The partnership brings forth numerous opportunities for both organizations,” the GSA told Sudbury.com.

The partnership will see GSA of Laurentian University members support the festival by volunteering at the event. As well, the GSA will have a dedicated non-profit booth at Northern Lights to serve as a hub for various activities, including a plan to collect food donations for the Laurentian University Food Bank.

Most notably perhaps, at least for Laurentian students, is the new partnership brings with it a 10-per-cent discount on NLFB passes for LU students.

“This partnership symbolizes a strong commitment to community engagement and mutual support, promising a fruitful year ahead for both the GSA of Laurentian University and Northern Lights Festival Boréal.”



Article source: Sudbury.com