Northern Lights Festival Boreal

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We’re Hiring! Marketing and Communications Coordinator – 12 Months

Job Description:

Full time, paid, one year internship (37.5 hours/week)

Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Marketing & Communications Coordinator is responsible for building community support for Northern Lights Festival Boréal (NLFB) through: the execution of marketing and communications strategies; the coordination of social media and web communications; the facilitation of inter-organizational communication and partnerships; the development of sponsorship and in-kind donations from private & public agencies; advertising sales for the Festival Program Guide or Mobile App; the recruitment & facilitation of festival vendors and artisans; the negotiation and preparation of contractual documents for vendors and equipment rentals; communication with various media outlets through releases, interviews etc.; the processing of ticket sales, vendor fees, membership sales etc.; the coordination of setup & logistics for festival, special events, and equipment rentals; as well as day to day office tasks as necessary. To be eligible for the NOHFC internship, candidates must be legally entitled to work in Canada, must not have worked in the field of study before and are only eligible to participate in a NOHFC internship program one time.


  • Candidate must be a new entrant into the workforce, are transitioning to a new career, or the unemployed or underemployed who are entering a new field.
  • Post secondary degree/diploma in Communications, Marketing, Advertising, Graphic Design, Public Relations, Event Planning, Arts Administration, Sales etc. or another relevant field (somewhat flexible);
  • Work and/or volunteer experience in at least one of these fields or another related field;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills;
  • Experience communicating with clients and the general public via telephone, email etc.;
  • Experience drafting a variety of documents including: letters, media releases, reports, grant applications etc. ;
  • Experience with general word processing software, spreadsheet software, presentation software, email platforms;
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to multi-task and prioritize work tasks;
  • Concrete problem solving, conflict management and decision making skills;
  • Ability to work flexible hours during festival season and NLFB special events; Should be prepared to work remotely and/or in person depending on the changing Covid-19 pandemic regulations

If you wish to apply, please send a cover letter and resume to by December 20, 2023

This opportunity is proudly supported by Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and is funded through the Workforce Development Program. Eligibility requirements of the program can be found here:


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National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Events details

Date: Saturday, December 21st, 2024

Doors open: 6:30PM

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM

Location: Sudbury Indie Cinema


  • – Members: $10
  • – Non-Members: $14
  • – 13 & Under: $7

Northern Lights Festival Boréal (NLFB), in partnership with Sudbury Indie Cinema, is thrilled to invite you to a festive evening with a special screening of the holiday classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation! The event will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2024, from 7 to 9 p.m., and is the perfect opportunity to get into the holiday spirit.

Wear your ugly Christmas sweaters and enjoy a warm evening of laughter, giving and community. All proceeds from the night will support NLFB’s mission to bring music, arts, and culture to our community.

Holiday Refreshments & Festive Fun

To keep the holiday spirit flowing, we’ll be offering a festive cocktail and mocktail available for purchase during the screening. It’s a great way to support NLFB all while toasting to the holiday’s!

This event is more than just a movie night—it’s a chance to come together as a community, support our mission, and make a difference. So grab your tickets, bring your donations, and join us for an unforgettable evening of laughter and giving.

​​Support Our Community with the Go-Give Project

In the spirit of the season, NLFB will host a donation drive for the event at Sudbury Indie Cinema to support our vulnerable community. Attendees are encouraged to bring items such as socks, hats, gloves, jackets, hand/foot warmers, emergency blankets, or pre-packaged snacks.

All donations will be sent to the Go-Give Project, a local organization dedicated to helping our community through a safe and stigma-free approach. The Go-Give Project will be onsite for the event to share more about their mission and impact.

Volunteer Booth

The volunteer booth is essential to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for festival visitors. Their main mission is to warmly welcome other volunteers, listen to their needs and answer any questions they may have. They are also responsible for guiding volunteers through the different areas of the festival, directing them to their stations.

Ticket Booth

Volunteers in this area are responsible for selling festival passes to the general public. Volunteers must be well informed on the program, ticket prices, and the park layout. Experience handling money, good customer service skills, and organizational skills are required.

Beer Tent

Volunteers are responsible for selling and serving alcohol. Servers must have Smart Serve certification. Ticket sellers and beer stein sellers do not require any certification; however, good customer service skills are an asset.

Please email your Smart Serve number to

Coffee Tent

Volunteers are responsible for selling beverages to the general public. Volunteers must serve coffee, keep the booth clean, handle money, and alert the Area Coordinator when stock is low. Bilingualism is an asset.

NLFB Merchandise

Volunteers are responsible for selling all festival, artist, and performer merchandise. Good customer service and organizational skills are required for processing monetary transactions and taking inventory. Bilingualism is an asset.

Site Patrol

These Volunteers will be our festival ambassadors! Site Patrol is one of the key positions in the team and the largest group. Volunteers are stationed throughout the park and it’s suitable for varying levels of mobility, some areas you can be seated most of the time and some areas require walking. Volunteers in this area must be knowledgeable of the festival program, the park layout, and general festival rules. This crew must ensure the safe and secure conduct of all persons at the festival and respond to enquiries in a pleasant and courteous manner.

Children’s Area

Volunteers will assist the Area Coordinator in organizing and executing various crafts, activities, and games for our young festival patrons. Volunteers must be friendly, courteous, patient, and enjoy having fun! Experience working with children is an asset. A Police Record Check is required to work in this area if you are age 18 or over (no Police Check is required if you are age 14-17). Please email your Vulnerable Record Check to

Green Team

Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the park to be clean at all times. In keeping with the festival’s green initiatives, volunteers in this area should recycle as much as possible, and keep all park areas clean and free of garbage.


Volunteers are responsible for several festival errands and tasks that arise during festival weekend. Tasks are assigned throughout the weekend as assigned by the Volunteer Coordinator.

Posters and Signs

Volunteers are responsible for hanging and distributing all NLFB posters, banners, and promotional material in designated areas of the city and at the festival site. This crew is also responsible for taking down all signage post-festival and returning it to the NLFB office.

Instrument Lock-up

Volunteers must ensure all artist equipment is safely stored during the festival weekend. A large container is available for storage and a key is provided to the Area Coordinator. Volunteers must be able to lift and move equipment.

Site Setup

Volunteers are responsible for setting up fences, and all equipment used at the festival. Volunteers in this area work before festival weekend. Experience with manual labour an asset. Closed toed shoes are mandatory, steel toe boots are suggested but not required.

Tear Down

Volunteers are responsible for tearing down tents, fences, and all equipment used at the festival. Volunteers in this area work after festival weekend. Experience with manual labour an asset. Closed toed shoes are mandatory, steel toe boots are suggested but not required.

Back Stage

These Volunteers will be assisting Sound Engineer Matt Wiewel, to load in & out instruments onto the main stage. 

Their role will also be to prepare the various back-stage snacks and look after the artists on the main stage.

Stand des bénévoles 

Le stand des bénévoles est essentiel pour assurer une expérience fluide et agréable aux visiteurs du festival. Sa mission principale est d’accueillir chaleureusement les autres bénévoles, d’être à l’écoute de leurs besoins et de répondre à leurs questions. Ils sont également chargés de guider les bénévoles dans les différentes zones du festival et de les orienter vers leurs postes.


Les bénévoles accueilleront et enregistreront tous les artistes, les interprètes, les médias, les membres du conseil d’administration, le personnel, les représentants du gouvernement et les invités de marque entrant sur le site du festival. De bonnes compétences en matière de service à la clientèle et d’organisation sont requises. Les bénévoles doivent être préparé à répondre aux questions des visiteurs. Ils doivent donc bien connaître le festival. Le bilinguisme est un atout.


Ces bénévoles aideront l’ingénieur du son Matt Wiewel à charger et décharger les instruments sur la scène principale. Leur rôle consistera également à préparer les différentes collations en coulisses et à s’occuper des artistes sur la scène principale.


Les bénévoles sont chargés de démonter les tentes, les clôtures et tout le matériel utilisé lors du festival. Les bénévoles de ce secteur travaillent après le week-end du festival. L’expérience du travail manuel est un atout. Les chaussures à bout fermé sont obligatoires, les bottes à embout d’acier sont suggérées mais pas obligatoires.


Les bénévoles sont responsables de l’installation des clôtures et de tout le matériel utilisé lors du festival. Les bénévoles travaillent avant le week-end du festival. L’expérience du travail manuel est un atout. Les chaussures à bout fermé sont obligatoires, les bottes à embout d’acier sont suggérées mais pas obligatoires.

Local à instrument

Les bénévoles doivent s’assurer que tout le matériel des artistes est entreposé en toute sécurité pendant le week-end du festival. Un grand conteneur est disponible pour l’entreposage et une clé est fournie au coordinateur de zone. Les bénévoles doivent être en mesure de soulever et de déplacer le matériel.

Affiches et Panneaux

Les bénévoles sont chargés d’accrocher et de distribuer toutes les affiches, les bannières et le matériel promotionnel de la NLFB dans les zones désignées de la ville et sur le site du festival. Cette équipe est également chargée de retirer toutes les affiches après le festival et de les renvoyer au bureau de la NLFB.


Les bénévoles sont chargés de plusieurs courses et tâches pendant le week-end du festival. Les tâches sont assignées tout au long du week-end par le coordinateur des bénévoles.

Equipe Verte

Les bénévoles sont chargés de maintenir le parc propre en permanence. Conformément aux initiatives écologiques du festival, les bénévoles de cette zone doivent recycler autant que possible et veiller à ce que toutes les zones du parc soient propres et exemptes de déchets.

Zone Enfant

Les bénévoles aideront le coordinateur de secteur à organiser et à mettre en œuvre divers travaux manuels, activités et jeux pour les enfants. Les bénévoles doivent être amicaux, courtois, patients et aimer s’amuser ! Une expérience de travail avec des enfants est un atout. Une vérification du casier judiciaire est nécessaire pour travailler dans ce domaine si vous avez 18 ans ou plus (aucune vérification n’est nécessaire si vous avez entre 14 et 17 ans). Veuillez envoyer par courriel votre vérification du casier judiciaire à l’adresse suivante :

Patrouille du Site

Ces bénévoles seront les ambassadeurs du festival ! La patrouille de site est l’un des postes clés de l’équipe. Les bénévoles sont postés dans l’ensemble du parc et s’adaptent à différents niveaux de mobilité, certaines zones pouvant être occupées en position assise la plupart du temps et d’autres nécessitant de marcher. Les bénévoles de cette zone doivent connaître le programme du festival, l’aménagement du parc et les règles générales du festival. L’équipe doit veiller à la sécurité de toutes les personnes présentes au festival et répondre aux demandes de renseignements de manière agréable et courtoise.

Marchandises NLFB

Les bénévoles sont chargés de vendre toutes les marchandises du festival, des artistes et des interprètes. Un bon service à la clientèle et des compétences organisationnelles sont nécessaires pour traiter les transactions monétaires et faire l’inventaire. 

Le bilinguisme est un atout.

Stand Café

Les bénévoles sont chargés de vendre des boissons au grand public. Ils doivent servir le café, veiller à la propreté du stand, gérer l’argent et alerter le coordinateur de zone lorsque les stocks sont épuisés. Le bilinguisme est un atout.

Stand de bière

Les bénévoles sont responsables de la vente et du service de l’alcool. Les serveurs doivent être certifiés Smart Serve. Les vendeurs de billets n’ont pas besoin d’être certifiés, mais de bonnes compétences en matière de service à la clientèle sont un atout.
Veuillez envoyer votre numéro Smart Serve par courriel à


Les bénévoles de cette zone sont chargés de vendre les billets du festival au grand public. Les bénévoles doivent être bien informés sur le programme, le prix des billets et l’aménagement du parc. Une expérience de la gestion de l’argent, de bonnes compétences en matière de service à la clientèle et un sens de l’organisation sont nécessaires.


Volunteers will greet and register all artists, performers, media, board members, staff, government officials, and VIP guests entering the festival site. Excellent customer service skills and organizational skills are required. Volunteers will survey festival patrons and collect valuable information and feedback. These volunteers should be knowledgeable about the festival and have excellent customer service skills. Bilingualism is an asset.